Teks report Pengertian/ definisi, struktur dan ciri-ciri serta contoh

Teks report ialah teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu/ benda-benda secara umum, berbagai benda atau fenomena alam, buatan, dan social yang ada atau terjadi dilingkungan kita. 

Struktur teks report 

1. General clarification (klarifikasi umum) : Pengantar tentang sesuatu/ fenomena yang dibahas, meliputi bagian-bagian, kualitas dan prilaku. 

2. Description (deskripsi) : Menerangkan sesuatu atau fenomena yang dibahas, meliputi bagian-bagian kualitas dan prilaku 

Ciri-ciri teks repor : 

· Menggunakan the simple present tense, kecuali apabila sudah punah menggunakan past tense 

· Menggunakan action Verbs, misalnya, go, do, see, dll. 

Sedangkan Contoh dari teks report sebagai berikut;

The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, it is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits, the tree is small, 3 to 12 meters tall. The flowers are white they have five petals with 2,5 to 3,5 centimeters in diameter, the fruit is 5 to 9 centimeters in diameter, the apple tree comes from central Asia, there are more than 7.500 known cultivars of apples.

Research shows that apples may reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer, apples contain relatively low amounts of vitamin c as well as several other antioxidant compounds the fiber content in apples may reduce the risk of colon cancer, they may also help coping with heart disease, weight loss, and controlling cholesterol, they are rich with caloric content like most fruits and vegetables. 

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1 Tanggapan untuk " Teks report Pengertian/ definisi, struktur dan ciri-ciri serta contoh "

  1. huh copaser.......ini artikel dari blog ku http://www.pbi.web.id
